Saturday, July 7, 2012


I absolutely adore turquoise. So much so that I can't say this is the first time I've made a turquoise necklace - I made a similar one last year that I wear really often. For those of you just starting off making jewelry, I wouldn't recommend purchasing turquoise stones right off the bat as they can be quite pricey. I waited until I was more comfortable and confident about making necklaces before I started buying these gorgeous stones. The stones I used for this project cost me $15 a strand (which can make two of these necklaces). But that is a steal - I've been going to the bead store where I purchased them at for awhile, so the owner gave me 50% discount. Originally they cost about 30 dollars. I'm sure if I really tried looking online (i.e. Ebay or Etsy) I wouldn't need to break my bank, but I haven't been really proactive about searching. 

This design is really simple but makes quite the statement! To do this project, you'll need to set aside half an hour and gather the following materials:

  • turquoise stones (elongated shape - they come in many shapes but I thought this shape created a nice tribal feel).  
  • rose gold chain 
  • clasp
  • gold seed beads
  • fishing line
Step 1: Start by measuring out the length of your chain. You'll need two strands (about half a foot each). 

Step 2: Take your fishing line, string it through the end of one chain. Take your first turquoise stone, and string it through the line. Make sure your line is doubled through the stone, as this creates greater strength. 

Step 3: String a gold bead next to your stone. Repeat this until you have 11 stones, and 10 beads. 

Step 4: To attach your line to the chain, double back your line through the last stone and secure it with a knot there. When you double back through the last stone, it guarantees that your knot won't come undone. If you want, you can add greater security by dabbing some E6000 glue on it. 

Step 5: Attach your clasp. You can use any clasp really, but mine was a fancy one that couldn't be attached with a jump ring so I used fishing line instead. Works just the same!

And voila! You got yourself an expensive looking turquoise statement necklace. Wear it with t-shirt and jeans, or use it to complete a formal look. 

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